WOD: A. Shoulder press 5×5. *start around 61-65% of 1rm and build 5% per set of 5 to 81-85%+ by your last set. B. EMOTM x 10 min: Odd: 100m. Run Even: 30 sec. max Russian swings (heavy), 30 sec. rest
WOD: A. Shoulder press 5×5. *start around 61-65% of 1rm and build 5% per set of 5 to 81-85%+ by your last set. B. EMOTM x 10 min: Odd: 100m. Run Even: 30 sec. max Russian swings (heavy), 30 sec. rest
Sat. Oct. 18. Team WOD @ 9am. Olympic lifting @ 10am. Indianapolis Barbells for Boobs- Naptown: Noon-4pm. Sun. Oct. 19. 2:30p: LuRong Paleo Challenge WOD Make Up 5:05p & 6:10p: HCF Softball Games! Last 2 Games of the season!
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WOD: A. Shoulder press 5×2 *start around 75% of 1rm and build 5% per set of 2 to 90-95%. B. OTM x 12: Partner sled push/lunge 3 person teams: partners 1-2 take turns pushing mod. weighted sled down 25m. and back 25. while partner 3 performs lunges for whole min. Each min, rotate out partners
“The degree to which you’re delivering a good CrossFit product—be it good coaching, well-run classes, a well-run facility—that keeps people in the gym. That, and the programming,” said Newman, who believes these elements are the backbone of retention. He elaborated: “It’s a bit of a three-legged stool: results, community and fun. Those are the three
Join us (and Stacie Tovar!) in our fundraising for breast cancer research and on Saturday, October 18th as we do Grace for a good cause! Sign up or donate here WOD: A. Back Squat 5×2 *start around 75% of 1rm and build 5% per set of 2 to 90-95%. B. For time: 21 pushpress (75,115#),
“….it isn’t just the movements that matter, it is how we do them and it has been shown that intense exercise enhances the effectiveness of functional movements even more. But more importantly, there is the fact that without proper nutrition, adequate sleep and a (relatively) balanced lifestyle the body will release stress hormones and if
Sat. Oct. 11 4pm HCF 4 year anniversary party! WOD+ Triva+ Paleo Pitch in+ Beer and Wine! Sun. Oct. 12 TBA NEXT WEEKEND: BARBELLS FOR BOOBS @ CF NAP TOWN here’s how to sign up
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WOD: ‘Filthy 50’ For time: 50 Box jump, 20/24 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 26/35# Walking Lunge, 50 steps total 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press, 30/45# 50 Back extensions/empty barbell good mornings 50 Wall ball shots, 14/20# 10′ 50 Burpees 50 Double unders *scale to 40/30/20 as needed to finish in 25min
“If you want to make something happen, go out and give it your best shot. Stay realistic at times, but be driven to make any dream you have a reality. Don’t hold yourself back! Believe. Mentality outweighs a lot of things.” How Mental Limitations are Slowing Down your Progress WOD: A. Shoulder press 5×3. *start