September 2012


REMINDER: NO Olympic lifting (10am) or Team WOD (11am) today. We are running in the Hoosiers outrun cancer 5k event! 4pm: Bring a Friend community workout! Sometimes you’re friends need a little push! Invite them to do a workout with you! This event isn’t only for members of our gym, though! If Someone is out […]

Saturday Read More »


Snatch And Clean Extension: Be Patient Greg Everett | quick tips Skill: Clean- abbreviated parts 1-4 (reviewing everything we went over during the week.) + Jerk- Parts 1-2 (cleaning everything up and making it crisp) WOD: Max effort Clean & Jerk. warmup up to 65% of 1 rm then begin making 5% increases with each

Friday Read More »


“A CrossFit Love Story” with Bob Brown, CrossFit Journal video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov] Skill: Clean- Parts 2-4 + Jerk- parts 1-2. WOD: P1. Dynamic Push Press 8×3 @ 65% (85-95% of 1 rm Shoulder Press). EMOTM. P2. 3 x Max effort kipping pull-ups with 2 min rest. (As many kipping pull-ups as possible without

Thursday Read More »


WOD: 50 Box Jumps (20,24”), 25 Thrusters (65,95#), 50 Double-unders (25 Du or 150 Su for scaling), 25 KB swings (35,53#), 50 walking lunges (total), 25 knees-elbows, 50 pushpress (30,45#) (22 min cap.)

Wednesday Read More »


9 Paleo Tips: The Good, the Bad and how to sanely try it – Tip number 9 says “Make your own rules (but stick to em).” By hcfchallenge SKILL: Clean– (10-12 min.) WOD: P1.Pause Back squat 8×3 (4 seconds) @ 65%. EOMOTM. (working on sticking point of bottom of squat) working with partner, 1 partner

Tuesday Read More »


Team USA trains for the first CrossFit Invitational presented by Reebok – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov] WOD: ‘Diane’ 21-15-9: Deadlift (135,225#), Hand stand pushup (compare)

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Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes By hcfchallenge Not only are sweet potatoes readily available, inexpensive, and delicious, there are many other reasons to love these yummy vegetables. Check out the above link for the top 9 reasons! WOD: ‘Helen’. 3 Rounds for time: 400m. Run, 21 KB swing (35,53#), 12 pull-up (compare to 8/6 ,

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SKILL: 1.Hollowbody hold 2. Hollowbody kipping swing/ blocking movement for kip 3. From here start to work with closing the shoulder angle (push away), and raise the knee up (closing the hip angle) getting slightly higher each rep until the individual has control of the kip with a knee-hip position. 4. As consistency increases, begin

Thursday Read More »


User Guide: Finding the Right Coach and Affiliate By CrossFit (any of this sound familiar? 🙂 SKILL: 1.Hollowbody hold 2. Hollowbody kipping swing/ blocking movement for kip 3. From here start to work on the progression working with closing the shoulder angle (push away), and raise the knee up (closing the hip angle) getting slightly

Wednesday Read More »

Luke M.

I have always been into athletics and therefore fairly fit.  However, my fitness went from one end of the spectrum to the other.  I would either hit the weight room hard for about 3 months and get big and strong.  With big and strong came “puffy” because my diet wasn’t all that great.  Also within

Luke M. Read More »


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If you would like to reserve a spot... Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$25 Per Class

OUR Information:


340 S Walker Street Bloomington, Indiana 47403


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