WOD: A. Skill for todays movements. B. For time: 800m. Run 50 toes-bar
WOD: A. Back Squat (5 sec eccentric on rep 1) – 70%x3x3 OTM x 6 Partner 1 works odd min, partner 2 works even min. no longer than 10 min, including warmup sets. B. Snatch skill work: Snatch pull + hang snatch above knee (same as last week but adding in the knee pos.) OTM
“Active recovery (AR) focuses on completing an exercise at a low intensity, but high enough to increase blood flow and enhance the clearance of enzymes responsible for muscle damage and residual fatigue. Do you ever wonder why, after a strenuous workout, you might not feel sore until the next day—or even two days later? This
WOD: AMRAP 20 min: 5 strict pull ups (goal is UB sets- utilize proper scaling to make that happen) 10 Front Squats (95/65#) goal is also UB- same as above 30 double unders * scale to 15 du or 90 SU.
WOD: A. Mechanics for todays movements. B. For time: 10 Floor press (M: Body weight/W: 75% BW)* scale % lower for each subset; Ex: 90/65%, 80/55%, 70/45%, 60/35%. 200m. Run 8 Floor press, 200m. Run 6 Floor Press, 200m. Run 4 Floor press, 200m. Run 2 Floor press, 200m. Run click here to see last
Saturday. Sept.12. Sweating for Equity Fundraiser SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 8am-9am is check in 9am-9:30am is a FREE community workout for Kids! 9:30am First WOD begins Sunday. Sept. 13. TBA. Look to FB.
Saturday and Sunday Read More »
WOD: A. PRACTICE for 10 minutes: Headstand (Tripod) Headstand (Tripod) to Push Up Position B. Continued from part A: PRACTICE for 10 minutes Kipping Handstand Push Up Progression Pt.1 Kipping Handstand Push Up Progression Pt.2 C. Tabata kipping HSPU: Goal here is GOOD reps, NOT more reps: 20 on x 10 off x 8
WOD: Three sets, not for time, of: Floor Press x 8-10 reps (light weight) Rest ~60 seconds Russian Kettlebell Swings x 20-25 reps (high and hard initial swing, naval level) Rest ~60 seconds Hollow Body Hold x 45-60 seconds Rest ~60 seconds
WOD: A. Skill work for todays movements. B. EMOTM x 5 rounds. (15 min total) 1. 30 sec. max Double-unders 2. 30 sec. handstand hold (box, wall, free standing) 3. 1 snatch pull + 1 high hang snatch (increase weight each round) *Record du each round + total/ hs hold/sn. # each round.
WOD: A. Skill for todays movements. B. Open WOD 13.4 AMRAP 7 min: Ascending ladder, increasing by 3’s each round.. 3 Clean and Jerk (95/135) 3 Toes-Bar 6/6, 9/9… etc etc.