For time: Run 400m. 20 jumping pullups 30 ball slams (30/20) 40 box jumps (24/20) 50 situps 60 double unders Run 400m. *goal is 10-15 min time frame.
For time: Run 400m. 20 jumping pullups 30 ball slams (30/20) 40 box jumps (24/20) 50 situps 60 double unders Run 400m. *goal is 10-15 min time frame.
Tag-team ‘Kalsu’ Every minute on the minute for 17 minutes 2-man WOD 5x Burpees (each partner) Max rep thrusters (135#/95#) for remainder of minute *Team mates can alternate during thrusters as needed. *Shoot for a thruster weight that is slightly higher than fran weight.
1. Power clean skill + pullup position skill 2. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time: (15 min cap) Power Clean (75/115) pullups *fran assistance
A. Warmup x 1 round. 1. Theraband warmup x 10 reps + 10 pass throughs 2. Scap pushups x 10 reps 3. floor facing angels x 10 repsB. positions/strength x 2-3 rounds: 1. 5 count tempo pushups x 6-8 reps 2. band pull aparts x 10 reps 3. dip bar support holds x 20 sec.C. hold/stretches
Today is the 3rd Annual Rookie Rumble competition! Results will go live the day of the event
A. Warmup x 1 round. 1. Theraband warmup x 10 reps + pass throughs x 10 reps 2. wrist warmup x 10 reps both directions 3. scap pullups x 5 reps x 2 rounds B. positions/strength x 2-3 rounds 1. horizontal ring rows x 5 reps w/3 sec lowering- false grip 2. hanging tuck hold
A. Snatch skill work: B. EMOM x 12 min: Sn. Deadlift + below knee snatch pull/highpull + snatch from below knee Min 1-4: 1-3 reps at light loads Min 5-8: 1-2 reps at mod loads Min 9-12: 1 rep at mod-heavy load *emphasis this week is positions at the hip from the pull/high pull and
Fight gone bad style: Max reps in 1 min at each exercise x 2 rounds 1. Box jumps 2. jumping pullups 3. KB swing 4. knees-elbow 5. push press 6. wall ball 7. burpee 8. double-under 9. Rest 615pm: Olympic Weightlifting Class Have you been wishing your olympic lifting was improving faster? Starting August 24th,
AMRAP 12 min: Teams of 3, increasing rep scheme 2-4-6-8-10… continuing through 12 min. P1: 2 cal bike, 2 thrusters P2: 2 cal bike, 2 thrusters P3: 2 cal bike, 2 thrusters P1: 4 cal bike, 4 thrusters P2: 4 cal bike, 4 thrusters P3: 4 cal bike, 4 thrusters… *use same weight as ‘Fran’
10-8-6-4-2 reps for time Strict pullups (any grip) *if you can do these unassisted-unbroken, add weight Back squat from floor (185/125) *scale to ~50-60%