July 2024

Monday July 29, 2024

CrossFit Main: 20 min clock; P1. Back rack carry from rack-rack (25′) and back (25′) (then switch out weights for buddy during transition)~100% of 1rm back squatP2.Farmers carry out 50m/ carry back 50mP3. rest Lvl6: farmers carry 88/70, 100% BS carry weightLvl5: 70/53, 90%Lvl4: 53/44, 80%Lvl3: 44/35, 70%Lvl2: 35/26, 60%Lvl1: 26/18, 50%

Monday July 29, 2024 Read More »

Friday July 26, 2024

CrossFit Main Teams of 3: 20 min clock;P1 pushes sled down 25m. and back 25m.P2 holds sandbag in bear hug positionP3 restsThen 3 goes to 1, 1 goes to 2, 2 goes to 3…*rotate through P1-2-3 each 25m push/hold Lvl6: sled 4×45/2×45, bag 150/125#Lvl5: sled 4×35/2×35, bag 125/100Lvl4: sled 4×25/2×25, bag 100/75#Lvl3: sled 4×15/2×15, bag

Friday July 26, 2024 Read More »

Thursday July 25, 2024

CrossFit Main: 3 person teams; all partners work at a same time, but cannot move on to next movement, until all partners are done with their work stationAMRAP 20 min; Lvl6/5: 24/20” jump on-over, 20/14- 10/9′Lvl4/3: 24/20” jump or step, 20/14 9/8′ (scale bike down to 10-12 cals)Lvl2/1: any” jump or step, 14/10, 9/8′ (scale

Thursday July 25, 2024 Read More »

Tuesday July 23, 2024

Main BMU-Russian swing ‘Nate’AMRAP 20 min;2 Bar muscle ups4 handstand pushups8 russian KB swings (heavy) Lvl6: BMU, HSPU to gymnastics mat*, 88/70# *scale HSPU based on test weekLvl5: CTB- un-assisted, HSPU to mat, 70/53#Lvl4: chin over bar, HSPU- 1 abmat, 53/44#Lvl3: band pullup, HSPU- box, 44/35#Lvl2: band pullup, HSPU- box, 35/26#Lvl1: ring row, seated DB

Tuesday July 23, 2024 Read More »


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Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will review your request. Warning. The submission of this form does not cancel your membership. We will review your request, then reach out to confirm.


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Class Sizes Are Limited.

If you would like to reserve a spot... Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$25 Per Class

OUR Information:


340 S Walker Street Bloomington, Indiana 47403


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