We wanted to give back to our hardworking dedicated members, but were gonna make you work for it… CrossFit style of course!
The Run down:
Each month a challenge will be posted on the 1st. These challenges can be done by ANYONE of any fitness level in the gym (a helpful trainer will scale for you appropriately)
These challenges must be done in the gym and verified by a trainer. A sheet will be filled out including the challenge they completed with weight, reps, time, etc. as well as the date they completed it on, individuals full name, contact phone #, email address, and the trainer who verified the score.
A person can accomplish the challenge once per day throughout the month, either before class, after class or during open gym hours.
From there they will put the sheet inside the drop box which will be under the white board and or at the front desk. On the last day of each month we will choose at random from the hopper box, 1 name, which will receive the next months training for FREE! (at whichever package they currently have setup)
*must be a current active member to participate.
*must be a current active member to participate.
September Challenge Winner
2 min max distance handstand walk (feet) or max handstand hold against wall (seconds)
Random drawing- Wins FREE month:
Luke M!
2 min max distance handstand walk (feet) or max handstand hold against wall (seconds)
Random drawing- Wins FREE month:
Luke M!
Longest distance/longest time- Wins FREE 30 min. massage from Monika @ MarDon Salon:
Longest distance: Lauren J.! 178′
Longest distance: Lauren J.! 178′
Longest time: Kim G.! 3:12
October Challenge:
1 attempt at max unbroken pull-ups *use regular assistance. can be strict/kipping.