“You are a part of this community, whether you’ve been here for three weeks or three years! This should be one of the highlights of your day, so come in, have fun, make friends, and give your best – for yourself, your coaches, and for everyone around you. Enjoy engaging with the other members while taking a break from responsibilities at home, work, and from your phone.”
Five Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Hour at the Gym
A. Three sets of:
Front Squat x 8-10 reps @ 40-60%
Rest 30 seconds
Alternating Reverse DB/KB Lunge x 8-10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
B. 3 sets for max reps of Thruster against a 2-minute running clock, with 2 minutes of rest between sets:
Row 300 Meters
Thruster (65,95#)