Every 2 min with a 1 min rest (3 min rounds)
Run 100/200/300/400m.
Pick a distance that you know you can accomplish in 1:30 or less to give yourself 30 seconds of work time each 2 min interval:
Round 1: Run XXX distance, then max reps of pullups in remaining time in the 2 min interval.
Round 2: Run XXX distance, then max reps of pushups in remaining time.
Round 3: Run XXX distance, then max reps of squats in remaining time.
*Repeat this sequence a total of 3 x through/ 27 min. including rest.
*If your not able to keep the same pace on the runs and complete it in 90 seconds or less, scale the run to a shorter distance.
Extra Credit:
Rebuilding the Feet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUHEVWtBlac
Bottom of foot mash/ Mash outside shins/ Calf mash