50-40-30-20-10 reps for time (20 min time cap)
Wallball shots
Box Jumps
Level 3: Wallball 20# 10’/ 14# 9′
Level 2: Wallball 14# 10’/10# 9′
Level 1: Wallball 14# 9’/ 10# 8′
*scale as needed here to get BIG sets in quickly, if needed, scale to air squats
Level 3: box jump 24/20
Level 2: box jump/step 24/20
Level 1: box jump/step any height
Min 1: 0:30 Squat to ball/box
Min 2: 0:30 plate/box jump
Min 3: 0:45 squat to ball/box
Min 4: 0:45 plate/box jump
Min 5: 1:00 squat to ball/box
Min 6: 1:00 plate/box jump
6 Rounds, 12 Minutes:
Odd Minute: 3 DB Deadlifts + 3 DB Hang Power Cleans + 3 DB S-OH
Even Minute: Shuttle Jog (recovery pace)