E2 min x 10 min: 3 strict shoulder press
0: 3 x 30-35% of 1rm pp, every 2 min, increase by ~5% jumps
E2 min x 10 min: 2 push press
10: 2×60-65% of 1rm pp, every 2 min, increase by ~5% jumps
E2 min x 10 min: 1 push jerk
20: 1×65-85% of 1rm PP, every 2 min, increase by ~5% jumps
*if you are newer to push jerk, begin at 65%, if more advanced start from 85%
QuickFit/At home WOD:
E2 min x 10 min (5 sets)
5 double db/kb push press AHAP- goal is to go heavy across ALL sets