WOD: teams of 2, I go/you go, each movement;
AMRAP 20 min;
2 wall climbs
4 double DB thrusters
8 box jump overs
P1 performs 2 wallclimbs, P2 performs 2 wallclimbs
P1 performs 4 DDB thrusters, P2 performs 4 DDB thrusters
P1 performs 8 box jump overs, P2 performs 8 BJO
Lvl6/5: open standard wallclimb to wall, DDB 50/35#, 24/20” jumps
Lvl4/3: open stanard scale to first tape line and back, DDB 35/20#, 24/20” jump or step
Lvl2/1: box climb, DDB 20/12#, any”