Team CF Couplet/Triplet
Teams of 3:
1 – AMRAP 3-6-9 pull up-hspu-air squat
2 – Sandbag hold
3 – Recovery bike
*rotate by the round, goal is to choose a sandbag weight you can hold for the entire round
Level 6: 150/125# sandbag, strict pull up, strict or kipping HSPU
Level 5: 125/100#, kipping pull up, 1 abmat kipping HSPU
Level 4: 100/75#, jumping pull up, toes on box HSPU
Level 3: 75/50#, banded pull up, toes or knees on box HSPU
Level 2: 50/30#, banded pull up, toes on box HSPU
Level 1: any medball #, ring row, seated DB press