
“The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.”
– Epictetus

You are only as strong as the weakest link in your exercise chain. The weight hanging on the end of this chain is your level of general physical preparedness (GPP). The more the chain can support, the higher your GPP. Read more..

Skill: hollowbody ring hold

WOD: For time:
15-12-9-6-3 Front Squat (95,135#)
200 m. Run after each set of FS.

4:15 Open Gym/ Competitor:
Open gym: take advantage of working on your weaknesses, mobility or make up a WOD.
Endurance WOD: Follow todays WOD
Competitor: 1. Make up 12.3 WOD if you are NOT going to be here Saturday.
2. Hit Mobility inregards to 12.3 WOD
3. Work skill work and cycling of movements: Box Jump (20,24,30,36”-back down), Pushpress (start with Rx weight and go heavy, then work back down), TTB (9,12,15,18-back down-unbroken reps)

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