Friday 5/25
CrossFit: Test Day #3 Row 5000 m. Longevity: Max Distance Row in 20 min. Quickfit: Max Distance Row in 20 min.
CrossFit: Test Day #3 Row 5000 m. Longevity: Max Distance Row in 20 min. Quickfit: Max Distance Row in 20 min.
Great positioning on the hollow and arch swings tonight! CrossFit: Gymnastics/Skills/Asymmetry A. “Tabata” Ring Support Holds and Ring Support Bottoms: 8×20 secs / 10 secs B. Ring Rows (False Grip)s 3×10 C. Beat Swings 4×8 Quickfit: 2 min Assault Bike max cals 25 Russian Swings 1:30 min Assault Bike 20 Russian Swings 1 min Assault
CrossFit: Test Day #2 Fran 21-15-9 Thrusters Pull-Ups Longevity: Unweighted Fran 21-15-9 Air squats Ring Row Quickfit: AMRAP 15min: 5 cal Assault Bike 10 Wallball 15 Ring Rows
The 6:45pm class completing the lunges in today’s workout! CrossFit: 2 person teams AMRAP 12 min: 20 GHD sit-ups 10 DB Overhead Walking Lunges (R arm) 10 DB Overhead Walking Lunges (L arm) QuickFit: AMRAP 12 min: 3 DB Deadlift 3 DB Hang Power Clean 3 DB Front Squat 3 DB Shoulder-Overhead 12 cal Assault
CrossFit: Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1 reps Push Press 1-1-1-1-1 reps Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 reps *use heaviest weight per set
Saturday: Fit for our Fallen: Murph Workout! Sunday: Rest Day!
Saturday and Sunday 5/19 & 5/20 Read More »
CrossFit: 3 sets of: Back Squat x 4-6 reps (increasing each set between 50-60%) rest 45 seconds Ring Rows x 8-12 reps rest 45 seconds Walking Lunges with DB x 20 steps (total) with a light load Longevity: A) Row Mechanics B) 1000m with rate changes every 100m 22-26-22-26-22 QuickFit: Death by: 1 50′ shuttle
CrossFit: Every 90 sec for 18 minutes (3 sets of each): Station 1: Romanian Deadlift x 8 reps Station 2: Ab Wheel or Barbell Roll-Outs x 12-15 reps Station 3: Single Arm DB Row x 8 reps each Station 4: Banded Glute Bridges x 30 reps QuickFit: A) Row Mechanics B) 1000m with rate changes
CrossFit: In teams of 3, complete three rounds each of: Row 500m 20 DB Thrusters 10 Strict Pull-ups Longevity: 4 sets for max reps of DB push press against a 2-min running clock, with 2 min rest between sets: Bike .6km DB Push Press QuickFit: A) Hinshaw lower body warmup B) 200m walking lunges
The 5:45pm class giving it their all on the assault bike tonight! CrossFit: 30 min EMOM (6 sets of): Min 1: Assault Bike Calories Min 2: Burpees Min 3: Strict Pull-Ups Min 4: Alt. Reverse Lunges with DB Min 5: DB Strict Press QuickFit: 5 sets for max reps of DB Alternating Snatch against