Saturday 12/9
All Classes: 9am-11am : open gym.
CrossFit: Four sets of: Front squat x 5 reps Rest 60 seconds handstand walk skill work x 1min Rest 60 seconds hollow hold/ rocks x 45-60 seconds Rest 60 seconds QuickFit: E4min x 16min: 10 Kettlebell front squat 200m Run
CrossFit: 3, 3 min rounds, with 2 min rest between each. Choose ANY weight for each movement to move most weight possible in each 3 min session. Reps x load = score 0-3 min: Deadlift 2 min rest 5-8 min: hang power clean 2 min rest 10-13 min: shoulder-overhead QuickFit: Teams of 4: AMRAP 12
CrossFit: In teams of two, partners alternate rounds to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 min of: 12 Dumbbell Thrusters 12 alternating reverse lunges with DB QuickFit: For 10 minutes 10 calorie row 5 burpees
CrossFit: Against a three-minute running clock, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 3 burpees 6 air squats 9 russian kettlebell swings Repeat for a total of 5 sets, resting 60 seconds between sets. Pick up each set where you left off when the last ended. QuickFit: 12 min EMOM 1st Minute- 10
CrossFit: Three rounds for time of: 500 meter row 15 dumbbell push presses QuickFit: In teams of two, alternating tasks to complete 6 rounds total: 21 russian kettlebell swings 14 assault bike cals 7 pushups
Hoosier CrossFit: Part A: Work up to heaviest 50′ one arm OH DB/KB carry Part B: 10 min AMRAP: 2 person teams: In partners While P1 performs 200m row, partner 2 holds the bottom of a squat, then switch While P1 performs 200m row, partner 2 holds a plank hold, then switch QuickFit: 10-8-6-4-2
Hoosier CrossFit: A. Power snatch warmup- burgener warmup B. 10-8-6-4-2 for quality/time Power snatch Weight increase each round QuickFit: Against a 3 min running clock, perform the following: Run Max calories of Assault Bike in remaining time