
Thursday June 29, 2023

CrossFit Main: A. Double-under skill development ~10 min. 1. bounding 2. timing/tempo 3. cadence/putting it all together B. AMRAP 12 min; 6 strict pull ups (any grip variation) 12 push presses 50 double-unders Lvl6: unassisted, 95/65# (40-50% 1rm PP), 50 DU (150+) Lvl5: band, 75/55#, 40 DU (100+) Lvl4: band, 65/45#, 30 DU (75+) Lvl3: […]

Thursday June 29, 2023 Read More »

Monday June 26, 2023

CrossFit Main: AMRAP 20 min: P1. Sled push 100m (50m out to black top line, 50m back) P2. easy assault bike for recovery until P1 returns, then switch spots *goal is to add weight each round onto sled and make the pushes challenging, but accomplishable. possible options for weights: (does not have to be exactly

Monday June 26, 2023 Read More »

Sunday June 25, 2023

REST DAY- Mobility and Maintenance * Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. * Choose 2-3 Lower Body Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them. * Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10

Sunday June 25, 2023 Read More »

Friday June 23, 2023

CrossFit Main: AMRAP 20 min; P1 performs 5 sandbag/kb goblet squats, then does 50m carry to black top line- sets down object- picks it backup and does the same, 5 squats then carries back at the same time.. P2 performs 10-15 reps of DB floor press (unbroken reps) Once both partners are done with their

Friday June 23, 2023 Read More »

Wednesday June 21, 2023

CrossFit Running Christine 3 rounds for time: 400m run, 12 deadlifts, 21 box jumps Lvl6: 400m run, DL225/155, 24/20” jump (400m sub 8min mile) Lvl5: 400m run, DL205/135, 24/20” jump Lvl4: 300m run, DL185/115, 20/18” jump (300m 8-9 min mile) Lvl3: 300m run, DL165/105, 20/15” jump Lvl2: 200m run, DL 135/95, any jump (200m. 9+

Wednesday June 21, 2023 Read More »


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$25 Per Class

OUR Information:


340 S Walker Street Bloomington, Indiana 47403


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