A. Snatch skill work:
Burgener warmup:
dip shrug, scarecrow, muscle snatch
snatch pushpress, overhead squat
dip shrug, scarecrow, muscle snatch
snatch pushpress, overhead squat
pressing snatch balance, heaving snatch balance, snatch balance
low hang snatch pull + low hang snatch
*low hang position is almost to the floor, but plates never touch ground B. EMOM x 12 min:
*low hang position is almost to the floor, but plates never touch ground B. EMOM x 12 min:
Sn. Deadlift + low hang snatch pull + low hang snatch
Min 1-4: 1-3 reps at light loads
Min 5-8: 1-2 reps at mod loads
Min 1-4: 1-3 reps at light loads
Min 5-8: 1-2 reps at mod loads
Min 9-12: 1 rep at mod-heavy load
*emphasis this week is drilling bar path and body positions through the pull while moving closer to the floor.
*emphasis this week is drilling bar path and body positions through the pull while moving closer to the floor.