A. strict pullup/ kipping pullup skill development
1. scap pulls x 5
2. strict pullups x 5-increasing height of pull on each rep
3. beat swing- hollow/ arch x 10
4. kip + ching over bar hold + push away x 5
5. linking reps x 3-5
B. AMRAP 10 min:
2 shuttle runs- width of room- down and back x 2, 2 pullups
4 shuttle runs, 4 pullups
6 shuttle runs, 6 pullups
AMRAP 7 min:
2 DB thrusters
2 ring rows
4 DB thrusters
4 ring rows
6 DB thrusters
6 ring rows
and so on…
5 rounds: 15 min
Min 1: Bike max cals
Min 2: box step overs max reps
Min 3: plank hold :30-:45 seconds