Lake Monroe Boat Trip

Sunday, July 22, 2012
From: 9:30 am – 6:00 pm

Cost: $25
For registered members of Hoosier CrossFit, 21 and older.

This boat outing on Lake Monroe is only for those 21 and older.The cost is $25 and you can make the purchase online via Mind/Body. If you cancel after 7/5 you will not be refunded. You may invite friends and family that are not members of HCF, and you can purchase multiple spots online. If you only want 1/2 the day, then We will have a 2nd pickup/drop off at 1:30pm; price remains the same. With money leftover, we will purchase snacks and drinks, but feel free to bring your own. Beer/wine are acceptable beverages on the trip; however, We expect you to have respect for others and yourself by not getting piss drunk. If you plan on drinking, you must prepare your designated driver before attending. Hoosier CrossFit is not considering this an HCF sponsored event; only YOU are responsible for your actions, but everyone has a responsibility to ensure the safety of others.

Member Registration for Lake Monroe Boat Trip

DATE: 7/22 TIME: 1st pickup – 9:30am; 2nd pickup – 1:30pm