Weekend Update:
Congratulations to all of our athletes this past weekend on their success!
Kathy competed in her first CF competition at GLOC at CF Carmel and rocked it!
(Photos & Results)
Several Guys and Gals competed at the Btown Barbell Strength Showdown and we had several winners, 2nd and 3rd place finishers as well as LOTs of PRs!
(Photos & Results)
Several guys and gals participated in running events from the Mag 7k road Race at Smiths Shoes who set PRs and finished in the top 3! (Results)
and Also a few who participated in the Louisville half and full marathon!
Awesome job to our hard working community showing the world that we can be strong and fast!
Skill: Snatch skill transfers P1-3.
WOD: P1. 15/30-12/24-9/18 Reps for time:
Thruster (105,155#) scale to ~70%., Box Steps (20,24”) alternating feet
P2. american gladiator team game- power ball