“CrossFit “virgins” have the potential of walking into an under-qualified gym, and leaving with a bad taste for CrossFit in their mouths. Or, worse yet, leaving injured, not able to workout. Period. So what do you do? Well, with so many options in your backyard, it becomes ever-so-important to do your homework. What are the qualities that a good CrossFit gym should possess before you make your commitment to joining?” All CrossFit Gyms Are NOT Created Equal
P1. 3×3 Push Press from rack @ 80% of 1 rm.
*warmup with 2-3 reps at 45,55,65%
P2. Power Clean progressions: Burg warmup + clean pulls
Warmup to 75% of power clean, NO touch and go- reset each time.
3 Power Cleans EMOTM x 10 min, NO touch and go- reset every rep.