
“The period between Christmas and New Year’s can destroy your fitness. Proceed with caution. The week between Christmas and New Year’s is the Death Valley of fitness. I’d wager more pounds are gained and more fitness lost in this period than during any other eight-day stretch of the year that isn’t spent on an all-inclusive cruise ship. Many people simply stop caring about a lot of things when the mistletoe goes up, and between Dec. 25 and Jan. 1, they treat their bodies like a ’93 hatchback that’s a week from being written off…. you have a choice over the next seven days: You can choose to party like David Lee Roth circa 1984, or you can hit the gym.”
Read More from Weak for a Week?

AMRAP 10 min:
1 thruster (30,45#), 1 toes-to-bar
2 thruster, 2 ttb,
3/3… continuing as far as possible in 10 min.