“It’s time to reflect on your journey. Thinking back to our first days in a CrossFit box will almost surely provide a renewed appreciation for the progress you have made up to this point. It’s positive affirmation that you are headed in the right direction and great motivation to get back on track toward your new goals. Grab any training log (new or old), journals, CrossFit pictures or PR videos that you might have kept over the years. If you don’t currently keep a training log, I highly suggest you start. It is a great way to keep track of your progress.”
Reflecting on Your Journey
Every 2min x 24 min.
1. 10 weighted step-ups; 5 per side (holding KB or DB at sides)
2. Crossover symmetry: 1-3 movements x 5-8 reps of each.
3. 3 sets of 10 UB heavy russian KB swings (fluid swings with each breath)
4. Row- concentrate on mechanics and stroke rating/breathing