This will be an 8 week cycle emphasizing and prepping for the 2016 CF Open, which begins Friday night Feb. 26.
The test/re-test weeks will be based off CF benchmarks/past open workouts and continue with a linear style programming model with EMOM work with common movements found in CF open workouts such as clean/ jerk, clean and jerk, snatch, deadlifts, shoulder-overhead, etc.
Most conditioning pieces will be spent with classic couplets and triplets in an AMRAP covering time frames from 5-15 min.
One day per week will be spent specifically on gymnastics skill development as there is always lots of pullups/chest-bar, muscle ups, toes-bar, handstand push ups found in open programming.
We will also be continuing 1 day per week of a team workout to keep intensities high and have a fun environment to share your hard work with.
Jan. 4- 8. Week 1. Test week.
Feb. 22-26. Week 8. Re-Test week.
Week 1/8. Monday Jan. 4. Test week.
CF Open 14.5: 20 min cap.
Rx: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps for time
Thrusters (95/65#)
Bar Facing Burpees
Scaled: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps for time
Thrusters (65/45#)
Bar facing burpees