“Whatever Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Feel More Alive”
By Eric Bach
Expedition Impossible premiers on June 23 at 9 EST on ABC. You can find out more about Bach’s team at Moderngypsies.com
MOD (Music Of the Day): Beastie Boys– Jen R.
Mobility: On the Spot MobRx for Tight Hips
WOD: Part 1: Back Squat 5×3
incrementing weight to a 3rm load (compare to 5/16)
Part 2: ‘Grace’
30 floor-shoulder-overhead (95,135#)
power clean and jerk
(compare to 5/18)
I fully support this MOD choice, Jen!
I fully support this MOD choice, Jen!
Why, thank you! I applaud your good taste 🙂
Why, thank you! I applaud your good taste 🙂