Michelle working on her Kipping Pull-up standards for today’s reverse Tabata.
CrossFit: gymnastics/skill/asymmetry
Skill: Pull-up/ CTB/ Bar Muscle Up
A. Hollow Arch Swing: Beat Swing
B. Kipping Pull-up with Blocking Movement
C. Kipping CTB with Blocking
D. Kipping Bar Muscle Up
WOD: for quality: Pull-up/CTB/Bar Muscle Up
Reverse Tabata: 10 on x 20 off x 8 sets
1 min of each movement x 3 rounds: 15 min total
1. KB deadlift highpull
2. abmat sit-ups (scale to plank hold)
3. DB push press
4. abmat sit-ups (scale to plank hold)
Rest 1 min
3 sets of max reps of: 15 min total
60 seconds of air squats
60 seconds of russian kettlebell swings
60 seconds of dumbbell push press
60 seconds of assault bike
Rest 60 seconds