People think we’re cult members. We are. People think we’re addicts. We are. People think we’re nuts. We are. Don’t even try to convince them otherwise. They simply can’t understand the CrossFit High until they’ve been there. Just have them try it. And then, most likely, they’ll keep coming back again and again and again. Because they simply feel better.
The Simple Reason Why -Lisbeth
MOD: White Stripes
Mobility: Hip opener-band distraction, keg drill
WOD: AMRAP 3, 4, 5 min. with 1 min rest between.
3 power snatch (75, 115#), 6 jumping lunges (per leg), 9 V-ups
415 Specialty:
Run: 2-4 x 1M, rest 5:00, hold efforts within 5-10 seconds
C2 Row: 2-4 x 2k, rest 5:00, hold efforts within 5-10 seconds