WOD: P1. Backsquat (dynamic effort) 10 x 2 @ 50% of 1rm on the min.
P2. Box Jump. pyramid. AMRAP 5 min.
Begin with empty box (20,24”) for 8 reps
Add on plate(45#) for 8 reps
Add on plate (25#) for 8 reps
Complete this cycle AMRAP.
WOD: P1. Backsquat (dynamic effort) 10 x 2 @ 50% of 1rm on the min.
P2. Box Jump. pyramid. AMRAP 5 min.
Begin with empty box (20,24”) for 8 reps
Add on plate(45#) for 8 reps
Add on plate (25#) for 8 reps
Complete this cycle AMRAP.