1hill run, 21 pushups
1 hill run, 21 situps
1hill run, 15 pushups
1 hill run, 15 situps
1hill run, 9 pushups
1 hill run, 9 situps
1hill run, 6 pushups
1 hill run, 6 situps
You might be thinking, “I can run and do situps and pushups anywhere!” Ah, you can and you are right! The next time you work out on your own, ask yourself, “How intense is this run up the hill?” “AmI doing these pushups right?” “What goal do I want to accomplish with this workout?” “How do I know if I’m making progress with my current workout regimen?” “How can I become strong without bulking up?” “Would I be more confident if I had a personal trainer?” At Hoosier CrossFit, we can answer all of your questions including how CrossFit will meet your individual needs.