Hoosier CrossFit:
A. Strict pull-up/kipping pull-up/bar MU strength and skill development
1. Scap pulls x 5
2. partner/box assisted strict pull-ups x 5- increasing height of pull on each rep
3. beat swing- hollow/arch x 10
4. kip + chin over bar hold + push away x 5
5. linking reps x 3-5
6. assisted/box bar MU with deep pull x 3-5
7. unassisted bar MU x 1-5
B. Reverse Tabata 10 on x 20 off x 8 rounds
Pick one of the above pieces that you can manage with GOOD positions under fatigue
Teams of 3, 4 rounds:
Min 1: DB thruster or squats
Min 2: assault bike cals
Min 3: rest