NOON Only!
12 Days of Christmas Eve WOD
1 Clean & Jerk (115,185#)
2 Muscle-Ups/ 6 strict pull-ups
3 Box Jumps (24,30″)
4 Pistols (2/leg) *scale using cage or 8 air squats
5 Burpees- partners complete together
6 Toes to Bar
7 Handstand Pushups
8 Partner Ball Slams (14/20#)
9 Wall Ball (14/20#, 10′)
10 KB swing (35/53#)
11 Wall Climbs
12 Front Squats (115,185#)
Partners share work. Do round 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, and so on.
Reps are total reps between partners, not each person.