“When he wanted something from the workout, he was living in the future (the score, end game, validation). When he cleared that perception he was able to live in the moment and see 14.1 as another opportunity to do what he truly enjoys, which is to perform to his potential. After we cleared the fear, he repeated the workout and had a much improved outcome. He later told me that his take away from the experience is that: “This result doesn’t define you. All the other stuff you do leading up to this is what makes you who you are.”“
A. Three sets of:
*warmup deadlift with 5@barbell, 4@40%, 3@50%, 2@60%, then begin..
Deadlift x (1. 3@70%, 2. 3@80%, 3. 3+@90%)
Rest 60 seconds
Dumbbell rows x 8-10 reps per arm
Rest 60 seconds
Plank from Elbows x 60 seconds
B. Three sets for times of: 90-100% efforts
Run 400m/ Row 500 Meters
Rest 2 minutes