Build to working weights and do a mini set of 3/3 x 2-3
AMRAP 3 min w/1 min rest between each set adding weight to your bar.
A. 10 deadlifts ~55% of 1rm
10 pullups (how you tested in)
1 min rest
B. 8 deadlifts ~65% of 1rm
8 pullups
1 min rest
C. 6 Deadlifts ~75% of 1rm
6 pullups
Lvl6: DL 225/155, 275/185, 315/205, CTB pullups
Lvl5: DL 205/135, 225/155, 275/185, pullups
Lvl4: DL 185/115, 205/135, 225/155, banded pullup
Lvl3: DL 155/105, 185/115, 205/135, banded
Lvl2: DL 135/95, 155/105, 185/115, banded
Lvl1: DL 95/65, 135/95, 155/105, ring rows