MAIN: OH Squat therapy & progressions
A) E2MOM, for 12 min:
Overhead squat therapy
5 reps at the wall of overhead squats, inch closer every interval still focused on quality of movement.
for remainder of 2 minutes, cycle through the following mobility:
-reverse grip PVC pass thrus
-theraband drills (include banded sotts press + wrist warming w/ band)
-keg drill (dbl lacrosse ball in mid-upper back, OH reach to barbell on floor)
-internal rotation mash (softball/LB/barbell!)
B) Empty/lighter bar warm up/cueing of: snatch grip PP, snatch balance, OH squat
then, E3MOM, for 18 min
3 Snatch grip PP + 2 Snatch Balance + 1-2 Overhead Squat
0: 35%
3: 40%
6: 45%
9: 50%
12: 55%
15: 60%
*can perform up to 2 OHS each interval as positions and stability allow. The goal is to work on positions, under tension, and then re-rack to shoulders when finished with each set.