Gym schedule: 10a- Olympic Lifting. Snatch.
11a- Team WOD.
Field Trips: 8am. Tour Fischer Farms with Dave Fischer! See where and how Fischer farms started and get samples of food! Indianapolis.
3:30pm. Learn to row on the water with Jen Kaido! 4 time national champion and olympian with be teaching us the foundations of rowing on the water! $10 per person in Indianapolis
11a: Portico Church Btown @ Pourhouse cafe.
2:30p: Yoga with Ellie @ Hoosier CrossFit. Get your Sunday rest day with poses to open up your tight spots! (Make sure to register via Mindbody!)
Gym schedule: 10a- Olympic Lifting. Snatch.
11a- Team WOD.
Field Trips: 8am. Tour Fischer Farms with Dave Fischer! See where and how Fischer farms started and get samples of food! Indianapolis.
3:30pm. Learn to row on the water with Jen Kaido! 4 time national champion and olympian with be teaching us the foundations of rowing on the water! $10 per person in Indianapolis
11a: Portico Church Btown @ Pourhouse cafe.
2:30p: Yoga with Ellie @ Hoosier CrossFit. Get your Sunday rest day with poses to open up your tight spots! (Make sure to register via Mindbody!)
WOD: 5 Rounds for time:
10 burpee over bar, 15 hang power clean (75,115#), 20 box jumps (20,24”)