No matter who we are, or at what point we are at in our lives, it is never too late to reap the benefits that assuredly will follow as we strive to optimize our health. Not only will those benefits be ours to enjoy, but our families and those around us will be influenced by our example…. When the unexpected illness does confront us, we will be better prepared to fight it off, and its impact on our productivity and quality of life will be less. Read more about the Sickness, Wellness, Fitness Continuum here.
P1. Kipping Pullup skill work + Death by Pullups
10 min of death by kipping pull-ups
If you fail begin back at 1 rep and re-start until 10 min ends.
P2. Back Squat 5 rounds x 3 reps.
Increasing each round to a 3 rep max.
*Post weights for each working set and final heaviest set of 3.