Do your behaviors match your goals? It is simple. Are the things you are doing right now furthering your pursuit of your goals? Come to HCF’s GOAL SETTING SEMINAR and learn the proper steps for setting yourself up for SUCCESS in ALL areas of your life.

P1. 5 min: Seated Squat jumps onto box.
Start from solid squat position on a medicine ball, then explode up and jump onto a box. Increase box height to a solid high height. Add weight plates onto box if needed to increase box height.
P2. One minute on…One minute off
30 KB Swings – 53,70#
*You have 1 minute to complete 30 Russian KB swings. If you do not get 30 Russian KB Swings in 1 minute, count a penalty and an uncompleted round.
*Perform this workout with one minute of work and one minute of rest for a total of 10 minutes.
*Total time is 10 minutes with a goal is 150 Russian KB Swings in the alotted time.
*For every round not completed, perform a 10 burpees.
Post rounds completed and if any penalties were counted to board.