“A strength and conditioning regimen devoid of gymnastics practice and skills is deficient”
-Greg Glassman
A. Gymnastics skill work for todays stations.
B. EMOM x 5 rounds (20 min)
1: Handstand hold (box/wall/freestanding) *basic progression for 1st step: https://gymnasticswod.com/content/handstand-practice-and-spotting-pt1
2: Forward rolls: https://gymnasticswod.com/content/forward-roll-progression
3: Hollow body hold: https://gymnasticswod.com/content/hollow-body
4: Rest.
*You should be working each min through its entirety to get to the best position possible for as long as possible in the full min. Utilize your rest min to regain your composure to come at your next round with even more intensity!