Our Saturday WOD for March 19 is the Mag 7 walk/run: Get signed up TODAY! Top 20 reasons to run the Magnificent 7k Mobility: WOD: 5 Rounds: 12 Hang power snatch (65,95) 30 walking lunges
Our Saturday WOD for March 19 is the Mag 7 walk/run: Get signed up TODAY! Top 20 reasons to run the Magnificent 7k Mobility: WOD: 5 Rounds: 12 Hang power snatch (65,95) 30 walking lunges
The CrossFit Games Open website is now live! Hoosier CrossFit is a registered affiliate, so get ready for some fun! Mobility: Deadlift Prep WOD: Deadlift 10×2 @ 85% of 1rm +record unbroken double-under attempt between each round
We got a fever. And the only prescription is . . . more CrossFit. We suffer from Obsessive CrossFit Disorder (OCD). Or CrossFititis. Maybe CrossFitexia. Read more on: What we cant shut up about Mobility: What Your Low Back Says About Your KB Swing WOD: 200 m. Run, 21 KB swing (35,53lb.), 21 pullup 400
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” -William James Mobility: Strong Bottom Position WOD: AMRAP in 12min: 4 Cleans (105,155) 4 Handstand Pushups
REMINDER: Open Gym today from 5:30-6:30pm. CrossFit: My Story- Heather R. This past Thanksgiving my twin sister, Jenny, brought home her boyfriend, Anthony (a CrossFit trainer out in Kansas City, MO), and initially introduced me to crossfit. Before this, I was the typical 30 minutes on an elliptical while reading a magazine kind of girl
REMINDER: NO WODs today. We will be at the Arnold Classic in Columbus, OH. CrossFit Games season is coming up quick! ~If your staying in Btown, get out and take a run/jog today! Set the clock for 30min and cover max distance! We WILL have an open gym tomorrow, Sunday March 6th from 5:30-6:30pm.
REMINDER: We will NOT have WODs Saturday, we will be at the Arnold Classic in Columbus, OH. We WILL have an open gym on Sunday at 5:30p. Mobility: Move those hips and open that upper body up! WOD: Bear Complex 5 rounds, 7 sets of: Power Clean Front Squat Push Press Back Squat Push Press
Do you know what it means to have more vitamins and minerals in you with a diet consistently and exclusively meat, veggies, nuts and seeds? You lose weight. You get sick less often. You feel happy more often. Your skin clears up. You have more energy. You feel full longer. No More Sweet Tooth. No
..My power is legendary, my strength is inspiring, my life is a testimony to the heart that beats so strong in me and the soul that goes so deep. I am a CrossFitter. And this is my gym. Mobility:Better Rowing: High Hamstrings WOD: Part 1: Skill work (kipping pull-ups, kipping toes-bar, muscle-ups) Part 2: 2000
To Globo or not to Globo.. “CrossFit is more than getting sexy for your bathing suit this summer; it’s about keeping your sexy body all year round. We, CrossFitters, know there’s more to it than looks“… Finish reading on our HCF challenge blog! Mobility: Improving Shoulder Positioning for the Press and Rack WOD: Shoulder Press