WOD: P1. Max effort shoulder press. begin with warmup weights and do 3×3 until weight gets heavy, then begin 4×1 @90-100% of max. P2. Alternating Tabata. pushup, kb swing (35,53#) 8 min total.
WOD: P1. Max effort shoulder press. begin with warmup weights and do 3×3 until weight gets heavy, then begin 4×1 @90-100% of max. P2. Alternating Tabata. pushup, kb swing (35,53#) 8 min total.
WOD: P1. Max Effort Backsquat. begin with warmup weights and do 3×3 until weight gets heavy, then begin 4×1 @90-100% of max. P2. Death by strict pull-up.
WOD: P1. Dynamic Effort Deadlift. 12×2 @ 45% on the minute. P2. 3 attempts @ max du or su 1 min, with 1 min rest.
Watch the Central East Regionals road to the CrossFit Games! Begins Today! WOD: P1. Max Effort push press. begin with warmup sets and work into a 1 rm push press. P2. Rope Climb technique work Clamping, climbing, descending
WOD: P1. Backsquat (dynamic effort) 10 x 2 @ 50% of 1rm on the min. P2. Box Jump. pyramid. AMRAP 5 min. Begin with empty box (20,24”) for 8 reps Add on plate(45#) for 8 reps Add on plate (25#) for 8 reps Complete this cycle AMRAP.
In this series on improving running performance, Brian MacKenzie and Doug Katona demonstrate drills utilizing the Pose Method of running. Mobility:Hammer Your High Hammy WOD: 4 Rounds: 400m. Run 12 Sumo-deadlift highpull (65,95#) 12 Burpee (compare)
The lease has been signed! As of yesterday we are officially moving into our new location at 501 N. Rogers St. in July and beginning training in August! Check out pictures HERE! WOD: Four rounds for time: 9 Thrusters (95,135#) 12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups 15 Hand release Push-ups Each round should be MAX effort. Rest 2:00
WOD: CrossFit Total 1 rep max weight for each lift: Back Squat, Shoulder Press, Deadlift (add all 3 lifts to obtain your CFT) The first attempt would be a weight you know you can do for a heavy set of three. The second attempt would be a weight you know without any doubt that you could