WOD: A. Shoulder Press 5×3 @ 80% of your 3rm from week 1. B. In teams of two, with partners alternating , AMRAP 8 min: Dumbbell Man-Makers x 5 reps (push-up, row left, row right, power clean, push press)
WOD: A. Shoulder Press 5×3 @ 80% of your 3rm from week 1. B. In teams of two, with partners alternating , AMRAP 8 min: Dumbbell Man-Makers x 5 reps (push-up, row left, row right, power clean, push press)
WOD: 12-9-6 for time: Front Squat (185/115#) ~55-65% of 3rm BS. *pull from floor, but use rack if necessary. Strict pullups
WOD: A. Deadlift 5×3 @ 80% of your 3rm from week 1. B. Skill + Tabata: Parallette L-sit/tuck holds *scale to hollow hold/tuck hold
Sat. Nov. 14. Gym closed. HCF is competing in the JoCo fall brawl. Sun. Nov. 15. Possible open gym. TBA- Check HCF Facebook. A. Mobility and Maintenance * Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. * Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD
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WOD: A. Deadlift 5×3 @ 75% of your 3rm from week 1. B. PRACTICE : Hollow Body Progression Pt.1 Hollow Body Progression Pt.2 C. Tabata Hollow Body 20 on x 10 off x 8.
WOD: In teams of three, with one person running 300 meters at all times, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25 minutes of: 10 Dumbbell/KB Push Press 10 Box Jump Overs (20/24) Teams establish and maintain the running order throughout the workout. The two teammates completing the couplet alternate rounds so that
WOD: A. Back Squat 5×3 @ 75% of your 3rm from week 1. B. PRACTICE for 10 minutes: Headstands + Unilateral Loading Progression Pt.1
WOD: A. Shoulder press 5×3 @ 75% of your 3rm from week 1. B. PRACTICE for 10 minutes: L-Seat Progression Pt.1 L-Seat Progression Pt.2 L-Seat Progression Pt.3
WOD: AMRAP 10 min: 5 Front Squat (135/205#, scale to ~60-70% of 3rm FS) *comes from floor, but use rack if needed 7 pullups 9 pushups
Sat. Nov. 7. Gym closed. Dave Durante gymnastics seminar Sun. Nov. 8. Gym closed: Dave Durante gymnastics seminar
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