WOD: A. Back Squat – 65% x 10 x 3 B. Overhead Squat – 65% x 3 x 5 C. Post workout: 3 x 10 reps each: GHD situp (sub straight leg weighted situps) GHD hip ext (sub superman raises)
WOD: A. Back Squat – 65% x 10 x 3 B. Overhead Squat – 65% x 3 x 5 C. Post workout: 3 x 10 reps each: GHD situp (sub straight leg weighted situps) GHD hip ext (sub superman raises)
Sat. May 28. 8-10a: Open Gym. 10-11a: Olympic lifting: Clean and Jerk 11a-Noon: Team WOD Team Regional event 1, 2016: Teams of 2: 60 strict handstand pushups (shared work, scale as necessary) 20 synchro bar muscle ups (scale to CTB/pullup as needed) *goal here is to communicate with teammate and complete chin over bar at
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WOD: Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps *after warming up, build in each of the lifts, to a solid heavy single in each piece. *unlike in the past on this workout, where we have built up each rep through each piece, the goal today is to go as heavy
WOD: Teams of 3: Alternating Tabata: Air assault (calories) situps *P1 begins on air assault for 20 sec for max calories, 10 sec to transfer to P2, then P2 20 sec, same for P3, immediately into 20 sec of situps for P1, 2,3. Repeat this alternating sequence for a total of 8 rounds per person.
WOD: A. Handstand kickup to wall drills B. Down Dog handstand pushups C. Tempo handstand pushup: knees on box D. strict tempo handstand pushups *no more than 1-2 abmats Every 10 min alternating EMOM: Odd: 3-5 strict handstand pushups Even: 10 heavy russian swings.
Monday May 23-29 (Test week)- July 11-17 (re-test week) The 4th cycle, 8 weeks, of 2016 will be geared towards traditional CrossFit- General Physical Preparedness, with 2 specific strength days mixed in with squatting and olympic lifts. We will follow a 5 on-2 off schedule, with Saturdays as fun team WODs at 11am. We will
WOD: 3 rounds (24min) E2MOTM: 1. Sled push 25m. P1 pushes down, P2 pushes back, P3 pushes back down. *mod load on sled, but not enough to make you stop. 2. Plank hold 1 min. 3. 20 Alternating Reverse Lunges (add weight with KB/DB as needed) 4. 60-90 sec. of Air Assault/Air Dyne Bike. low-mod