Wil Flemming from Force Fitness is conducting a 3-hour Clean and Jerk seminar at Hoosier CrossFit this Saturday the 28th. Advanced session in the morning and beginner’s session in the afternoon. For only $39 you’ll get expert advice to help improve your lifts! If you’re interested, click the link for hours, details, and registration!
Clean and Jerk Seminar

A. 10 min. of Clean + jerk skill work (full lift)
B. 10-12 min: Clean and jerk 5 rounds x 1 rep, increasing each round to a solid heavy single.
C1. Back squat 5 rounds x 1 rep at 80-85%.
C2. Between rounds of back squat complete 5 rounds x 15 reps of GHD/abmat sit-ups.