“The work ethic needed to push past limitations and physically improve the human body is truly humbling. You can’t fake it. Every measure of progress is earned through an accumulation of hard efforts. Sticking to a diet takes will power, sacrifice, and restraint. Getting up at 6 in the morning to train takes discipline. You won’t succeed at either unless you’re fully committed to the idea that this is what you want to do.”
Fitness Is The Good Life
EMOM x 20 min
Min 1: Double-under practice
Min 2: Bottoms up KB carry (alternating arms each width of room)
Min 3: 10 (5 per side) Weighted step ups onto box (barbell on back rack- light load-good positioning)
Min 4: Crossover symmetry activation x 5-8 reps of 1-2 movements
Repeat for 5 rounds total for 20 min.