CF: 2 person team WOD
Level 3:
For time:
Run 800 meters with a 45/25# plate (each person carries plate)
100 toes-to-bars
50 front squats (155/105#)
12 rope climbs
Run 800 meters with a 45/25# plate
Partition the toes-to-bars, front squats and rope climbs as needed. Start and finish with the run- murph style.
Level 2:
For time:
Run 600/800 meters with a 45/25# plate (only 1 plate is carried)
100 hanging knee raise
50 front squats (115/75#)
36 strict pullups (unassisted or assisted)
Run 600/800 meters with a 45/25# plate
Partition the toes-to-bars, front squats and pullups as needed. Start and finish with the run- murph style.
Level 1:
For time:
Run 600 meters/row 800m
100 hanging knee raise/ straight leg abmat situps
50 front squats (75/45)/ air squats
36 strict pullups (assisted)/ body rows
Run 600 meters/row 800m.
Partition the toes-to-bars, front squats and pullups as needed. Start and finish with the run- murph style.