You might think you can’t. You’re tired, you have a lot of responsibilities; life — and everyone you know — needs so much from you.
But, oh, you have wells within you that you have not even begun to tap..
Read more.. Superheroes –CrossFit Lisbeth
Mobility: Lacrosse ball/foam roll your sticky spots 3min: Upper back, butt, hammies.
Pick your goat 3min: hip openers- couch, frog.
Hammies- band pull, spiderman-hammie pull.
WOD: Part 1: Back Squat. 5@65%. 5@75%. 5+@85%.
Part 2: 5 min clock.
Every min. on the min. perform 15 squats, with remaining time in minute perform as many hand release pushups as possible.
Mark scores for each round and record lowest and highest score of pushups.