A lot more attention tends to be paid to the third pull or turnover of the snatch than the clean, likely because the consequences of poor execution tend to be more dramatic and obvious, but the turnover of the clean deserves its own share of attention. The timing and precision of the turnover in the clean can be the difference between a make and a miss
Improving the Clean through a Better Turnover
Greg Everett
P1. clean progressions- hang power clean, power clean, clean
P2. 21 minute running clock..
Hang power clean 7×2 on the min. (increment weight if possible)
Power Clean 7×2 on the min. (increment weight if possible)
Clean 7×2 on the min. (increment weight if possible)
Competitor WOD:
Max Jump Rope Double Unders in 5 minutes, Recover 3 minutes
Max Pistol in 5 minutes, Recover 3 minutes
Max Handstand Push Ups with Kip in 5 minutes