1. Jump Rope Progression Part 1
2. Part 2: Double-unders
3. Part 3: timing and putting it all together. skills/drills for DU.
P1a. 3 rounds of Max effort strict pull-ups with least assistance.
P1b. 3 rounds of Max effort strict dips with least assistance.
(begin with 1a for 1 round, rest for 1 min, then begin 1b for 1 round, rest 1 min and continue through 3 rounds.)
P2. Max height box jump. 10 min. warm up in sets of 3 until 3 repetitions get tall (3-5 sets, incrementing height) and switch to a single rep working up to 4-5 single repetitions.
Olympic Lifting:
Snatch – 70% x 3 x 5
Snatch Pull – 85% (of snatch) x 4 x 5
Pause back squat (from Tuesday) – 65% x 5 x 5