Monday 8/6
ALL CLASSES 50′ Overhead Walking Lunge 25 GHD Sit-ups
CrossFit and QuickFit Teams of 2 For time: 800m weighted run 50 push-ups 50 sit-ups 800m weighted run 50 knee push-ups 50 sit-ups 800m weighted run
CrossFit-Test Day 2: Strength Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps *treat this as an E3minx15min, building to the heaviest set of 5 Longevity Barbell/DB Front Squats 5-5-5-5-5 reps QuickFit Every 10 minutes for 20 minutes (2 sets) for times: Row 5 min max distance Max wall ball shots 5 min
CrossFit KB skill work: single arm swings + switches KB single arm clean KB single arm front squat KB single arm lunges KB single arm push press KB windmill WOD: 4 rounds x 3 min w/ 1 min rest between rounds (16 min total) 1 single arm swing 1 single arm clean 1 single arm
CrossFit – Test Day 1 “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 reps for time: Power Cleans Ring Dips Longevity 21-15-9 reps for time: Medball power clean Box dips QuickFit AMRAP 15 min: 15/12 Assault Bike Calories 10 Alternating Single-Arm DB Snatches 20 Alternating Reverse Lunges w/ DB
Saturday 7/28: 8-10am: Open Gym 10-11am: Endurance Week 8 11am: FREE members workout (from the hopper) Sunday 7/29: Rest Day! Get out and enjoy the great outdoors!
Saturday 7/28 & Sunday 7/29 Read More »
CrossFit: The Beach 2014′ *sub rowing for swimming; 50 kettlebell thrusters (35/26lb.) 30 burpees Swim 500 yards/ Row 2,000m 30 burpees 50 kettlebell thrusters (35/26lb.) Swim 250 yards/ Row 1,000m Quickfit: Alternating EMOM x max reps each min: 15 min (5 rounds) Min 1: calorie assault bike Min 2: DB renegade row Min 3: rotational
CrossFit: Muscle up Biathlon 2014′ 400-meter run 18 muscle-ups (rings) 400-meter run 15 muscle-ups 400-meter run 12 muscle-ups *Each time the athlete breaks a set of muscle-ups they must run a 200-meter penalty lap. Quickfit: 3 min AMRAP, w/ 1 min rest x 3 rounds (12 min) 14 situps 14 lunges
CrossFit: Clean- HSPU 2010′ 7 rounds for time of: 2 cleans 4 handstand push-ups Longevity: Alternating EMOM x 7 rounds (14 min) Odd: Medicine Ball Cleans Even: Push-up + DD Quickfit: 3, 4 min rounds w/ 1 min rest after each round (15 min total) Run 400/300/200m in remaining time inside 5 min complete AMRAP: