Tuesday 7/24
CrossFit: Overhead Squat-2014 1 rep max overhead squat Quickfit: AMRAP 10 min: 6 DB deadlifts 4 DB squats 2 DB push press
CrossFit: Overhead Squat-2014 1 rep max overhead squat Quickfit: AMRAP 10 min: 6 DB deadlifts 4 DB squats 2 DB push press
CrossFit: Madison Triplet 2017′ 5 rounds for time of: Run 400m 7 hay bale clean burpees Longevity: Run/Bike/Row 5 min max distance at each station Quickfit: Mini-Cindy AMRAP 10 min: 5 ring rows 10 push-ups 15 squats
Saturday 7/21: 8-10am: open gym 10-11am: Endurance Week 7 11am: FREE members workout (from the hopper) Sunday 7/22: Rest Day! Get out and enjoy the great outdoors.
Saturday 7/21 & Sunday 7/22 Read More »
CrossFit: For max reps at each station: 20x10x8 (20min) Tabata dumbbell shoulder press Tabata weighted jumping lunges Tabata ring dips Tabata weighted walking lunges Tabata dumbbell push presses * The tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight intervals. There is no rest between stations. Quickfit: 4 rounds
CrossFit: 7, 2-minute rounds of: (14min) 20 calorie row Max rep GHD sit-ups Quickfit: Teams of 2: AMRAP 10 min: Partners complete 5 cals on assault bike while P1 is doing 5 cals, P2 is completing abmat sit-ups once P1 completes 5 cals, partner switch places and continue until 10 min ends.
CrossFit: AMRAP 20 minutes of: 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups 10 wall-ball shots 15 kettlebell swings Longevity: AMRAP 15 min: 5 ring rows 10 wallballs 15 russian KB swings Quickfit: AMRAP 10 min: 2 burpee, 2 KB deadlift 4 burpee, 4 KB deadlift 6 burpee, 6 KB deadlift…
CrossFit: Skill: Hang Clean 1. Burgener Warmup 2. Hang Power Clean + Front Squat 3. Hang Clean WOD: Hang Squat Clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps *Treat as an E2min Quickfit: 3 rounds: Run Meters 15 Goblet Squats
CrossFit: 3 rounds for time of: 25 deadlifts Bike 1,000 meters Longevity: 3 rounds for time: 20 KB deadlifts Bike meters Quickfit: Every 6 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets): 2 min max cal row 2 min max alt. arm DB snatches 2 min max pushups
Saturday 7/14: 8-10am: Open Gym/performance training 10-11am: Endurance 11am-Noon: FREE Team Workout (from the hopper) Sunday 7/15: Rest Day! Get out and enjoy the great outdoors. Go kayaking, hiking, running, etc.
Saturday 7/14 & Sunday 7/15 Read More »
CrossFit: Test Day #3- aerobic capacity Row 5,000 meters Longevity: Max distance row in 20 min. Quickfit: Max distance row in 20 min.